The film we watched in class today simply blew me away. I was very confused when I heard that this film was a mix of fiction and documentary and I was very curious as to how this would function and what results it would have and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. Yolanda and Mario did a great job of encapsulating characters that highlighted many prominent issues of a revolutionary Cuba, specifically that of men being Yolanda represents the ideal revolutionary cuban woman. However with her character being a White presenting Mulatta she does not adequately represent the same struggles that an afro-cuban woman faces. I think the choice to make her white was very effective because through her character the audience understood the ways that she did not grasp the experiences of afro cuban communities– specifically when trying to discipline her students. She was confused as to why parents would allow their children to behave in certain ways, not realizing that the parents had other concerns (such as putting food on the table) that took priority over disciplining their children. The film addressed intersectionality very well because while a minority as a woman, Yolanda still had more privelege than a black woman.
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