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Madison Reed- Black God, White Devil

Glauber Rochas “Black God, White Devil” uses a lot of symbolism and allegory even the title itself shows the duality that runs through the entire narrative. Antonio Das Mortes character representing Black God because he is the embodiment of violence and vengeance but at the same time is a product of an oppressive system. The White devil refers to Sebastiao who leads the group of peasants promising salvation but he can also represent an oppressive figure. The dualism between “black” and “white” also refers to the tensions between social and political forces. I love that this film questions whether a rebel, the church, or the government can truly offer salvation or are they all repeating a cycle of exploitation and violence. Rocha’s film style is very noticeable in this film he isn’t afraid to be bold or expressive especially with how he frames the shots very unconventionally, the use of light and shadow also ties back into the title of the film. Rocha also challenges the idea of mythology and ideology and how both can be manipulated based on agendas being pushed.

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